Tuition fees, accommodation, living costs, partying, holidays - studylife is expensive! So it's not surprising that many students work alongside their studies, take out a student loan or receive financial support from their family. But did you know that there are various scholarship programmes at the University of Magdeburg that can help you finance your studies? We have summarised the most important facts about the various scholarship programmes at the University of Magdeburg here.
These scholarships are available at the University of Magdeburg
- Germany Scholarship
- Company Scholarship
- Family Scholarship
- Otto von Guericke Scholarship
- Graduate Scholarship
- Further scholarship opportunities
Germany Scholarship (Deutschlandstipendium)
Half of the Deutschlandstipendium is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the other half by companies, foundations or private individuals.
How much money do you get with the Deutschlandstipendium?
You will receive €300 per month for at least two semesters and up to the end of your standard period of study. Good to know: This support is independent of income and can be received in addition to BAföG benefits.
What requirements must you fulfil for the Deutschlandstipendium?
You are:
- in a first, second or supplementary degree programme, a Master's degree programme or a part-time/dual degree programme
- enrolled at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg at the start of the approval perio
- still enrolled for at least two semesters within the standard period of study for a degree programme at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
You have:
- very good performance in your studies and are characterised by a special social commitment.
How can you apply for the Deutschlandstipendium?
You need the following for your application:
- a letter of motivation of no more than two pages,
- a curriculum vitae in tabular form,
- your university entrance qualification certificate, in the case of foreign certificates a conversion into the German grading system,
- Proof of academic achievements, if already provided,
- a certificate of enrolment, if already issued,
- for applicants for a place on a Master's degree programme, the certificate of a first university degree and, if applicable, other certificates of achievement in accordance with the admission and selection regulations for the Master's degree programme,
- If applicable, proof of a special qualification that entitles the applicant to study in the respective degree programme at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg,
- If applicable, internship and work references as well as proof of special honours and prizes, other knowledge and other commitments,
- if applicable, a declaration of special social, family or personal circumstances
The application period for new applications is from 15 April to 15 June 2024. Funding begins on 1 October 2024.
After the end of the funding period, you can also apply for an extension of the scholarship if you still have 2 semesters of your standard period of study ahead of you. Further information can be found on the Deutschlandstipendium website.
Katrin Burgmann
Relationship Management
Phone: 0391 / 67-58835
Company Scholarship
The company scholarship is a good opportunity to make initial contacts in the business world and is advertised by a company, which is actively involved in the selection of applicants and determines the scholarchip criteria.
How much money do you get with the company scholarship?
As part of the scholarship, you will receive at least 300 euros per month. The duration of the funding is individual and depends on the respective call for applications.
What requirements do you have to fulfil for the company scholarship?
The most important thing here is professional aptitude, i.e. your specialisation should match the company. In addition, the company offering the scholarship sets its own criteria that you should fulfil.
How can you apply for the company scholarship?
You need the following for your application:
- a letter of motivation with reference to the company
- a curriculum vitae in tabular form
- Proof of academic achievements, if already provided
- a certificate of enrolment, if already issued
- for Master's students, the certificate of a first university degree
- If applicable, internship and work references as well as proof of special awards and prizes, other knowledge and other commitments
The company scholarship is advertised for the summer and winter semesters.
Katrin Burgmann
Relationship Management
Phone: 0391 / 67-58835
Family Scholarship
The family scholarship is awarded by the University of Magdeburg's Family Office and is aimed at students with family responsibilities. These include, for example, raising and caring for their own children in their own household or being the main carer for relatives. Applications for the family scholarship can be submitted by students of all BA, MA, Diplom and Magister degree programmes as well as state examinations from all faculties for the final semester. The aim of the scholarship is to provide financial support while writing your thesis.
How much money do you get with the family scholarship?
The amount of the scholarship is up to 450 euros. If you receive BAföG, you will receive up to 300 euros so that the tax-free allowance is not exceeded. The scholarship is valid for 6 months. An extension of the scholarship is generally not possible.
What requirements must you fulfil for the family scholarship?
You must be a student at the University of Magdeburg in your final semester with family obligations. These include
- Care and upbringing of a child (or several) in your own household
- Care and support of a first or second degree relative in need of care (if it can be proven that the applicant is primarily responsible for this care and that this is not provided by other family members).
In addition, the monthly net income of all persons living in the household is decisive for the approval of the application. The BaföG regulations serve as the basis for calculation.
How can you apply for the family scholarship?
You must submit these documents with your application:
- Cover letter
- Completed application form
- Current certificate of grades
- Proof of parenthood (child's birth certificate) or proof of caring responsibility (level of care and proof that you are the main carer)
Send your application documents by email to
Application deadline for the winter semester 2024 is 15 July 2024.
Marie Bierstedt
Office for Gender Equality and Family
Phone: 0391/ 67-52963
Otto von Guericke Scholarship
Together with the City of Magdeburg, the University of Magdeburg awards the Otto von Guericke Scholarship to international students every year.
How much money do you get with the Otto von Guericke Scholarship?
The financial support amounts to a total of 6,000 euros for the duration of one year.
What requirements do you have to fulfil for the Otto von Guericke Scholarship?
You must be a foreign student at the University of Magdeburg. Further award criteria are very good academic performance and social volunteer work.
How can you apply for the Otto von Guericke Scholarship?
Das Stipendium wird jedes Jahr neu ausgeschrieben. Die aktuelle Ausschreibung findest du auf der Webseite des Akademischen Auslandamtes der Universität oder der Welcome to OVGU-App. Deine Bewerbung schickst du per Mail an Eva Böhning.
The scholarship is advertised every year. You can find the current call for applications on the website of the International Office or the Welcome to OVGU app. Please send your application by mail to Ms Eva Böhning.
Eva Böhning
International Office
Student Advisor
Phone: 0391 / 67-58429
Graduate Scholarship
Are you currently on your way from a Master's degree to a doctorate? To prepare for your doctorate, you have the opportunity to apply for a graduate scholarship from the state of Saxony-Anhalt.
How much money do you get with the graduate scholarship?
In principle, you will receive 1,100 euros per month. Additional allowances may be granted for children, chronic illnesses or severe disabilities. In addition, you are entitled to 1,100 euros for material and travel expenses during the funding period, which can be used for the procurement of experimental material, for example.
What requirements must you fulfil for the graduate scholarship?
You can receive the scholarship if you are preparing for a doctorate at a university in Saxony-Anhalt after successfully completing your studies. Further possible requirements can be found in the Ordinance on the Implementation of the Graduate Funding Act.
How can you apply for the graduate scholarship?
As a rule, doctoral scholarships are awarded twice a year on 1 January and 1 July. You must therefore submit your application documents by 15 October for funding to start on 1 January or 15 April for funding to start on 1 July.
For example, you will need:
- Application for doctoral funding
- Curriculum vitae in tabular form
- Presentation of previous academic achievements and explanations of preliminary work for the project
- Content-related work programme (description of the content of the project and the procedure) and time-related work programme (detailed schedule)
- Declaration of willingness by a professor, university lecturer or private lecturer at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg to take over the academic supervision,
- Expert opinion from the supervisor of the dissertation and another professor or university lecturer on the fulfilment of the applicant's academic eligibility requirements and the scientific significance of the dissertation applicant and the scientific significance of the research project.
As the documents required for the graduate scholarship are somewhat more extensive, you will find a detailed list here.
You must then submit your application documents to the dean's office of your relevant faculty.
Important: In order to receive the scholarship, you must be admitted to the faculty as a doctoral candidate. You should then apply for admission to doctoral studies at OVGU Magdeburg no later than the month in which you apply for the graduate scholarship. If you have international university degrees, please also allow some time for the equivalence check of your degrees, which is necessary for subsequent admission to the doctorate.
Christin Lobe
Student Secretariat
Doctoral Studies/Graduate Funding
Phone: 0391-67-52284
Any questions?
As you can see, there are many different scholarships at the University of Magdeburg that you can use to finance your studies. In order to have the best chances, it is best to find out about the specific requirements and application processes. Do you have any questions? There will be a scholarship information event for students on January 31, 2024. Please come along!