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Pupils tinker with a car robot at the Robot Olympiad (Photo: Technik Begeistert)
07.03.2024 from 
Campus + City
First robot competition in Magdeburg

Tinkering, building, programming - robot competitions such as the World Robot Olympiad offer a creative playing field where technology enthusiasts can demonstrate their skills and talents can be discovered. Launched in 2004, the World Robot Olympiad aims to bring young people together to foster their creativity and problem-solving skills. Fabian Schmidtchen, a Mathematics engineering student at the University of Magdeburg, has taken part several times.

Portrait von Fabian Schmidtchen im Flur des Gebäude 22 (c) Hannah Theile Uni MagdeburgFabian Schmidtchen (Photo: Hannah Theile / University of Magdeburg)

"I took part in 2016 and 2017. A friend and team colleague already had experience there and was looking for new team members. Thanks to our successful participation in other robotics competitions, we were even able to qualify for the world finals in Costa Rica and Thailand in both years," recalls the 23-year-old. "When I was no longer allowed to take part due to my age, I still didn't want to leave the great environment. That's why I decided to support larger events as a judge and behind the scenes in the livestream and in the technical department. Last year, I even travelled to Panama for the world final as a juror. There are over 50 regional competitions in Germany, but so far not a single one in Saxony-Anhalt.

First regional competition at the University of Magdeburg

And that is changing with this year's event at the University of Magdeburg. Anyone between the ages of 8 and 19 can take part in the regional competition on 27 April 2024 at the University of Magdeburg. There will also be a "RoboMission Junior" category for participants aged 11 to 15. "The teams have the opportunity to qualify for the German final in Passau. There are currently 5 starting places available in each category," explains the student, who is co-organising the competition this year as a regional partner. Fabian Schmidtchen is working closely with the Chair of Multibody Dynamics at the University of Magdeburg as the venue for the organisation. Teams can still register until 22 March 2024. The tasks can already be viewed online for optimal preparation. After registration, the teams will then enter the hot phase of tinkering and tinkering.

Ein Team präsentiert die Projektidee vor der Jury beim Deutschlandfinale in Schwäbisch Gmünd (c) TECHNIK BEGEISTERT e.V.A team presents the project idea to the jury at the German final in Schwäbisch Gmünd (Photo: TECHNIK BEGEISTERT e.V.)

"Many teams meet at least once a week to work together, whether at home or as part of school study groups. On the day of the competition, the teams bring their programming with them and adapt it to the surprise task on site. The robot has also been designed and built at home, but has to be reassembled from individual parts on the day of the competition," he explains. Fabian Schmidtchen encourages all technology enthusiasts to register for the World Robot Olympiad. "It's a fantastic opportunity at the University of Magdeburg to gain valuable and enjoyable experience in this educational programme and to give talented programmers a stage and support them," he says.